Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Cayo Rosario | Why You Should Visit Belize


Are you looking for a destination where you can spend some time amongst the pristine nature far from the chaotic cities? If so, you are in right place! In this article, we will talk about Belize - the top tourist places in the world.

Outstanding and fascinating attractions such as Great Barrier Reef, white sandy beaches, numerous cayes and islands, gigantic blue hole, Cayo Rosario overwater bungalows, copious wildlife, diverse and colorful cultures, and laid-back atmosphere are the reasons behind the Belize popularity. Here, you will get a list of a few attractions that you must explore while a visit to Belize.

Let’s find out some traveler tips to make your Belize tour memorable:

Great Blue Hole

the great blue hole

One of the world’s most famous scuba sites is Belize’s Great Blue Hole. It looks accurately as it appears when flying over in a light airplane or helicopter. This scuba site has been created eras ago when the rooftop of an underwater cavern misshapen.

The UNESCO World Heritage Site comprises tunnels, chambers, and unbelievable stalactite creations. Furthermore, on the way down you can sightsee the uncountable colorful fish and corals that call the hole home. A visit to the website of Belize Tourism Board in order to know more about this place is advisable.

Overwater Bungalows in Belize

A considerable lure for many tourists is the crystal clear waters especially people who relish swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling etc. Some overwater bungalows in Belize come with attractive interiors, widespread decks, private pools, incessant views of the Atlantic and more.

Furthermore, Coco Plum, Cayo Espanto, and Thatch Caye are some famous islands in Belize with overwater bungalows. From all, Cayo Espanto is the costliest island that also offers the privacy. And many more overwater bungalows are coming in Cayo Rosario, probably the most scenic of all islands in Belize.

 Hol Chan Marine Reserve

People who love to spend time closer to the ocean surface, Hol Chan Marine Reserve is the perfect spot. The oldest reserve in Belize covers approximately three square miles and has four zones. Actually, all the zones are visibly marked on the shallow by buoys. Zone including A through embodies the chief marine habitat types in Belize. And Zone D was come under introduction recently and is home to nurse sharks and southern stingrays. Snorkelers will definitely love traveling Hol Chan Marine Reserve – the sunken world home to sharks, eels, and stingrays. This attraction also makes Belize the best tourism place.

Wrapping Up

Nothing can be better than this if you get all fun at one place. While a visit to Belize, you can choose to go snorkeling, fishing, or try floating on the clear crystal Belizean water. Moreover, couples can go for a wander along the coast in the evenings, enjoy the sunset and can have romantic dinner on the open surface above the water.

You can also discover the island beyond the palm-crowned beaches to see the best of Caribbean flora and fauna. Cayo Rosario upcoming overwater bungalows attractions or facilities will certainly convince you to add Belize in the must travel places list of yours.

Source By: https://travelertipsdotblog.wordpress.com/2018/06/27/why-you-should-visit-belize/

Monday, June 4, 2018

Outdoor Sports Aficionado? Head to Belize Right Now!

outdoor sports
Belize - Outdoor Sports 
With its 450 islands in the Caribbean Sea, rainforest, rivers and admirable weather, Belize seems to have been created to fulfill the dreams of sports enthusiasts everywhere. It should be no surprise then that businesses focussed heart and soul on Belize tourism have built up an incredible list of sports on their books, whether you’re a newbie or an experienced proponent.

Of course, many of the sports offered in Belize are in some way allied to the perfectly clear, warm Caribbean waters that the country is able to boast. There’s snorkeling, diving, windsurfing and sailing all available, with companies in the cayes offering diving courses for novices. Several companies also offer multi-day kayaking and sailing trips around the cayes, so you can get up close and very personal with the unadulterated sands of these small islands including Cayo Rosario. Belize Tourism Board ensures that all activities are sustainable and responsible to the environment and locals.

Inland canoeing and rafting on Belize’s foaming rivers are possible in Cayo District, where should you want to give your legs rather than your arms a challenge, you can also opt to undertake a hike beneath the tree canopy of Mountain Pine Ridge Forest.

But if you’re rather more sedate in personality and all this sounds a little too much like hard work, you need to go no further than the Greg Norman Golf Course on the private resort island of Caye Chapel, less than 40 minutes by boat from San Pedro on Ambergris Caye.

Source By: Traveler Tips

Friday, May 25, 2018

Overwater bungalows are coming to the Caribbean, why not Belize?

Belize - Water Bungalow
Belize - Water Bungalow 

Belize has been known for its spectacular tranquil beaches for a long time. With the emergence of tourism, lavish overwater bungalows have sprouted on the islands of Belize stilted over the teal-colored shimmering waters of the Caribbean.

The isolation, the laid-back aura, and the limited human activity mean that there is nothing much to do in these overwater bungalows, and that’s exactly the reason why you are here! It gives you an opportunity to spend some time amidst the pristine nature far from the chaotic cities. If you get bored, you can choose to go snorkeling, fishing, or try floating on the clear Belizean water. Couples can go for a stroll along the shore in the evenings and enjoy the sunset followed by a romantic dinner on the open deck above the water. You can also explore the island beyond the palm-crowned beaches to discover the best of Caribbean flora and fauna.

overwater bungalow dinner
Overwater Bungalow - Dinner
Some of the best overwater bungalows in Belize come with exquisite interiors, wide extending decks, glass-paneled floors, private plunge pools, uninterrupted views of the Atlantic, and a ladder leading all the way down ensuring that you are only feet away from your bedroom to the water.

Cayo Espanto, Thatch Caye, and Coco Plum have some of the most popular islands in Belize with overwater bungalows. With seven huts, Cayo Espanto is the priciest of all but also provides the most privacy. Some more overwater bungalows are coming up in Cayo Rosario, probably the most picturesque of all islands in Belize.

Source By: Traveler Tips Blog